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Legal cases 31 Jul 2021

Spell-bound: How a minor discrepancy caused a major delay to this family's EUSS application

The EU Settlement Scheme, established post-Brexit to enable EU nationals to retain their right to live and work in the UK, was pitched as straightforward. But for many, it has become a tangled web of bureaucracy.

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Legal cases 24 Feb 2021

'You can no longer apply': Setting the record straight for a jobseeker with pre-settled status

When Katherine* moved to the UK in September 2019, she was looking forward to building a new life with her British husband Tom*. But confusion over her right to work as a pre-settled status holder almost cost her a job opportunity.

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Legal cases 6 Jun 2020

Diagnosed, dismissed, determined: One man’s fight for justice

Omar had been working as a street cleaner for over a decade when a diagnosis of osteoarthritis meant that he needed a less strenuous role. Rather than follow the GP's recommendations, his employer dismissed him.

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Legal cases 24 May 2020

The merry-go-round: The long journey from judgement to enforcement

Alex*, a Romanian man who'd recently moved to London, found himself the victim of a phoenixing fraudster who promised him a well-paid, innovative 'opportunity', only to leave him with unpaid wages.

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Legal cases 25 Apr 2020

The carwashers: How “handing over your documents” becomes identity theft

A group of Romanian men working as carwashers found themselves penniless after they were dismissed overnight. With our help, they accessed Universal Credit - but also discovered they were victims of identity theft.

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