By Lora Tabakova - 20 June 2018
Voluntary Sector Liaison Forum meeting
All voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisations operating in Brent were invited to the Voluntary Sector Liaison Forum (VSLF) meeting in the Yellow Pavilion, a social space for local people living, studying and working in Wembley Park. The VSLF is co-owned by the Brent Council and CVS Brent.
Members of various voluntary and community organisations took part to share their experience and ideas about improving and developing the voluntary sector within Brent borough. During the meeting delegates of the organisations had the chance their voice to be heard and to influence the Council’s decisions.
The main focus of the meeting was the discussion of the needs within Brent’s voluntary and community sector commissioned by Brent Council and conducted by researcher Helen Redd.
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